Five Reasons Why You Should Use A Proxy Browser
Proxy browsers are very uncommon and people don’t really know what they are used for. If you are like most individuals, chances are you think proxy servers are only used to access content that’s not allowed in your country or stay secure on open WiFi networks. However, proxy servers have many other uses and are particularly crucial for businesses.A proxy server is a relatively simple intermediary computer that allows you to make an indirect connection with other networks. A proxy server has its own internet protocol (IP) address, which is made public instead of your private IP address. This mechanism can be utilized for an array of business reasons from security purposes to customer experience and everything in between.
Well, there are five common reasons to use a proxy that every business owner needs to know about.
Improve Business Security
Other than the main reason of improved business security,Hacking has been on the rise in the past several years. A data breach can be very expensive and takes a toll on your public image. A proxy minimizes the chances of a breach. It adds an extra security layer between your company’s servers and external traffic. Since proxy servers face the web and relay requests from devices outside the network, they act as an excellent buffer.
Hackers can gain access to your proxy, but they are going to have a hard time reaching your actual server where vital data is stored. Of course, it is impossible to keep talented hackers completely out with just a proxy server. However, you will be less vulnerable compared to running your business without a proxy.
Balance Traffic to Prevent Server Crashes
One of the most annoying things on the customer side is a site going down when they really need it. Peering, cloud data storage and proxy servers help ensure this does not happen and improve customer experience.Essentially, your content and data are stored across multiple servers around the globe and in the cloud. Peering ideally helps your network handle more traffic. However, you cannot ask customers to try varying internet service providers to reach that content.
Instead, a proxy server is utilized to create a single web address that serves as the access point. The proxy ideally balances the requests to each and every server, ensuring that there is no overload. All of this happens in the background to ascertain a seamless experience on the customer end.
Do Sensitive Tasks Anonymously
Proxy servers are popular for their ability to keep your web presence anonymous. Unfortunately, most business owners do not know how useful this function can be.Proxies can ideally protect any research and development your team is currently conducting. Any potential spy attempting to track your traffic in order to know what your company is working on will have a hard time tracking your employees if you use a proxy. Any sensitive business tasks done online will be more secure if they are anonymized via a proxy server.
Bandwidth Savings and Faster Speeds
Due to the extra work done by proxy servers in the background, most people tend to think that it only slows down the internet. However, this is not always the case.You can use proxy servers to increase internet speeds and even save on bandwidth by caching web pages and files that are accessed by multiple users, compressing traffic and even blocking ads from websites. This frees up that precious bandwidth on a busy network and so, your employees are able to browse the internet faster.
Control Internet Usage in The Workplace
No employer wants the workforce to access inappropriate or insecure sites through company networks. This is the primary reason why most internal networks in companies and institutions operate on a proxy server.If a network is run through a proxy server, you will be able to control which websites people can visit and the devices that can access the network. You can block inappropriate content and websites that you think will only distract the employees.